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Chathuranga Chandrasekara

Chathuranga Chandrasekara has asked 72 questions and find answers to 23 problems.


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A seasoned professional with 10+ years of Industry experience.

The core competencies are, 1. Full Stack Solutions Architecture 2. Design and Implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) Software and Hardware/Firmware

Programming Languages - Java | Python | NodeJS | JavaScript | TypeScript 
Front End Frameworks - Angular | React | Backbone | Bootstrap | Material
Dependency Injection - Spring
ORM - Hibernate
Microservices - Spring Boot
Batch Processing - Spring Batch
Containerization - Docker
Orchestration – Kubernetes
Databases – MySQL | Postgres SQL | MS SQL Server
NoSQL - MongoDB | Cassendra
Build Tools – Maven | Gradle
CI/CD – Jenkins | Ansible | Chef
Testing - JUnit | Jasmine | Karma | RestAssured | Selenium
Caching - Redis | Guava
Dashboarding - Kibana | Banana
Reporting - Jasper | Penthaho
Health Monitoring – Prometheous | OpenTSDB | Ngios
Messaging – RabbitMQ | Kafka
API Gateways – Zuul | WSO2 API Manager | Nginx | Kong
Cloud Services – AWS | OpenShift
Identity Providers - KeyCloak | Apereo CAS
REST Documentation - Swagger
REST Security - JWT | OAuth2
Protocols - CoAP | STOMP | XMPP | TLS | REST | SOAP | MQTT | AMQP
Source Management - Git | Subversion | Mercural
Deep Learning & Numerical Calculation - Keras | Tensorflow | Caffe | Pandas | Numpy
Image Processing and Computer Vision - OpenCV
Project Management - Jira | ScrumWorks
Programmable Hardware - Arduino | Rasberry Pi | PIC | ESP 32| ESP8266 
GPRS & NB-IoT - SIM 800 | SIM 900 | SIM 7000
IoT Prototyping - NodeRed 
Search Engines - Elastic | Solr | Fast ESP
Mobile – Android | Telerik NativeScript | Ionic 2 | React Native

My other interests are, 1. Machine Learning 2. Deep Learning / Artificial Neural Networks 3. Artificial Intelligence