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Chandra Sekhar k

Chandra Sekhar k has asked 1 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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Having 8+ years of experience in the field of IT and specializing in development of Web APIs & Web Services (Micro Services), Web Applications, Windows Applications, SQL Server, SSIS Packages and SSRS Reports.

5+ years of experiences in Banking Domain (2 + years in Wealth Managements, 2+ years in Core Banking and 1+ years of IVR Banking) and 1 + years on Enterprise Application, 2+ years of Telematics Domain.

2 years of experience with client location, one year in the Kasikorn Bank(K-bank) at Thailand and one with the Common Wealth Bank of Australia(CBA) at Australia.

Experiences in all phases of application life cycle, Starts from understanding requirements or specification about projects and analyzing of requirements, estimation, development and supporting functional testing and deployment on production and customer support and bug fixing.

Good hands on experiences :

  1. Full. Net Stack

C#, Web API, WCF, Web Services, ASP.Net MVC, WPF, Window Forms, LINQ, ADO.Net, Entity Framework 2. Web Application HTML5, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular, RectJS 3. Cloud Frameworks & DevOpps Models AWS with CICD Approach with Teamcity, GitHub, Bit Bucket, Jira/Rally, SonarQube and Code review. Azure with DevOps Model with Help of TFS,Jira,Jenkins. 4. Database SQL Server 2008/12/14, SSIS (BI Tool), SSRS Reports, SQL Jobs Creation and Maintenance. 5. Unit Testing Unit Testing with NUnit, Moqs, Fakes. Integration Testing with Moqs. Acceptances Testing With Scripts and Data sets. DDT Approach while creation of Logic. 6. Other well know tools & Frameworks Visual Studio, Splunk, TeamCity, Jenkins, SonarQube, Jira, Rally, Postman, Fiddler, log4net, Autofac, Resharper, Code Made, ACDC, Dev Express, Tibco, GemFire 7. Microsoft Certification : Microsoft Certified Solution Associate(MCSA) 70-483: Microsoft Certified on Programming in C#
70-486: Microsoft Certified on Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Applications
Microsoft Certified Solution Associate(MCSA): Web Applications

Chandra Sekhar k questions