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avatar of caird coinheringaahing

caird coinheringaahing

caird coinheringaahing has asked 7 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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Hi! I'm caird coinheringaahing and I'm an active member of CGCC, where I help clean up low quality posts, as well as post the occasional answer or challenge. I'm also a room owner of The Nineteenth Byte, where I help keep the room clean and tidy

I typically go by any traditional pronouns (he/she/they), so you can use any of those you like with me, I won't get offended. If you want to refer to me by name, any of "caird", "Jay" or "Chloe" are fine.

If one of my answers doesn't work, don't hesitate to comment so I can update it. Furthermore, if any of my answers are lacking explanations, let me know and I'll add one in.

My profile picture is of my adorable puppy, Patch. Over the winter, he swaps his Stack Exchange hat for a Santa hat.

You can get in touch with me by:

  • Leaving a comment on one of my answers
  • Pinging me in chat with @cairdcoinheringaahing
  • Pinging me in the PPCG Discord with @cairdcoinheringaahing

Why my username is what it is

Posts I'm proud of:

  • WW2 meets golfing languages
  • Implement Multiplicative Fuzzy Logic
  • 22 bytes to implement + in Jelly

My valuable contributions to CGCC that aren't challenges or answers:

  • Room owner of The Nineteenth Byte
  • Wrote the Welcome to Code Golf and Coding Challenges welcome page
  • Copy Editor and Socratic badges on main
  • Deputy and Inquisitive badges and silver discussion tag badge on meta