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Bruno J. S. Lesieur

Bruno J. S. Lesieur has asked 0 questions and find answers to 17 problems.


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tl;dr: I'm a full-stack JavaScript web lead developer at Impaakt. I take care of myself and implement the ideas and projects needed by the community!

I'm a web developer specialized in JavaScript between Annecy and Geneva and I live my passion every day swimming among current and future techniques in front-end user interfaces Vanilla JS or Vue.js, Node.js development and web technos. That's why every day at breakfast (but not only), I prepare something to satisfy my hunger for Responsive Web Design, web performance, standards compliance, best practices, POC HTML5 / CSS3 / ES6+, web accessibility, factorization, automation, sharing, puzzles of all kinds and this through projects and prototypes always more appetizing.

Latest big dish to date? A daily work in order to use the best tools at my disposal for the acquisition of a knowledge as parsimonious as possible as well as a work on myself in order to produce the most charitable judgments with regard to the objectifiable reality.

You will be able to find me on Twitter (@MachinisteWeb) or on LinkedIn (brunolesieur) to talk about: design, development, integration, ergonomics, optimization, performance, SEO, web, technos or critical thinking!

More details about me: http://www.lesieur.name/a-propos/ Professional sources and tools: https://bruno.lesieur.name/#zetetic