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avatar of Bruce Van Horn

Bruce Van Horn

Bruce Van Horn has asked 3 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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Former Sith Lord (recovering) and Graduate of Hogwarts (Slytherin House)

By Day: Distinguished Engineer / Lead Full Stack Developer at Clear Technologies / Visual Storage Intelligence. Our application won the 2020 SDC Award for innovation in the field of storage management.

Sometimes: Content Creator. I'm popular on Lynda.com / LinkedIn with millions of views on video series , Published video series on React for Packt Publishing, Wrote and produced 120 finished hours of training on mobile development with Xamarin Studio (about the same time Microsoft bought them). Lately I've been self-publishing at https://www.maddevskilz.com.

On Tuesday and Thursday Nights and Every Other Saturday: Lead Instructor, Full Stack Code Bootcamp, Southern Methodist University. We teach the MERN stack in a comprehensive six month course.

All Other Nights: Would be game developer, master chef specializing in Kraft Mac 'n Cheese with cut up hot dogs inside (my secret is extra butter), chief hide and go seek officer, and slayer of monsters in closets and beneath beds.