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Brian J. Fink

Brian J. Fink has asked 2 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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Though I've studied fields such as communications, music, government, and computer science, and have attempted an M.Div. as well, my undergraduate degree is in general mathematics. I also have a certain fondness for my own native language, American English, adjusted, of course, by the English of the Classics, both American and British, and by what seems better about British English than the way in which the same concept would be expressed in common American parlance.

Though it pains me to admit it, the British have ways of speaking that are "proper" for them, such as saying "maths" for "math" or "an humble man" for "a humble man." Although I would use the article an for a noun beginning with an H only when said H is silent—as in "an hour" or "an honor"—and treat the H as a consonant otherwise, I respect the differences in our speech and will not criticize anyone who chooses to speak proper British English on this site.