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Brian has asked 3 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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I have been involved in one way or another with microcomputers since 1982. I started with the first IBM PC (yes, they were actually distributed to major accounts). I began programming in 1986 and until 1996 made my living exclusively with the xBase languages (dBASE III, Foxbase,FoxPro,and Clipper). I both developed apps in these languages and taught other programmers to do the same. I was also working with Turbo Pascal which morphed into Delphi. From 1996 until recently I worked with Delphi and SQL Server exclusively as my combination of choice. After being asked to create an iPad app using the new Delphi XE2, I discovered that I could not do what I needed to do with XE2 and so, just a few months ago, I was thrust into the world of Xcode and Objective-C. Even with many years of experience it's a rough road you're traveling when learning a new OS, IDE, and language all at once. So you'll see a lot of me here for a while. Eventually I'll nearly disappear. When that happens, my goal has been met !