Started my carrier at January 21st - 2015, without the knowledge of Drupal a technology based CMS with background of PHP. Upgrading my skill set after joining over in Sastra Technology in a open web platform - LAMP, starting with customization of themes namely update customer contents and applying CSS. After my training period ends started to write Drupal-7 custom small forms on relative to customer requirements. After moving from Sastra with knowledge Drupal-7, in new parent company of Silver Touch Technologies working in Client Place of NIC(National Informatics Centre at Chennai). In OTG group Research and Development of Drupal8 started preparation of Development of Training Guide for Drupal8 with one colleague(how to write custom code, install memchached, working on customization of free themes, migration of version 6.x to 7.x and 7.x to 8.x, upgrading Drupal8 versions). Now working on custom module of HelpDesk as in need of internal requirements. Work currently going with preparation of Flowchart for HelpDesk.