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Bhushan Pawar

Bhushan Pawar has asked 0 questions and find answers to 4 problems.


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Started with small project helping my elder bro during his time of Diploma, which created an interest with programming languages. Initially I started making projects for self, as an interest. But later on its converted to a professional one. During the time of curricular more than 40 projects on different platforms were completed few of them are commercial, research based and other are curricular and for self. Till now had a good experience with handling languages and never bother about the platform am working on or have to work in future.

I would always looking forward for new achievement in technology and life, like to face the problems and always strive to find the solution like Mr. Cool. Programming is a lifeline for me and because it always gives new challenges everyday.

I think there are thousands of people related to our IT sector, who made this world alive with technology

thanks to those who made technology a popular one and Best wishes for those who are striving for doing something new for people.