My favorite language is Python which I use for many tools I create at work. I am beginning to work on some Django based private web apps.
My day job is mostly embedded C in medical devices. Lately I also worked on SQLite and QT, C++ a lot in the same field.
Python finally also made it into a product. Several background task for the main GUI have been implemented in Python, using DBus to communicate.
My latest programming environment ist Flutter/Dart for mobile apps. I built one private and one costomer's apps so for. Very exciting stuff!
My new profile picture shows Scotty, our Border Collie, high up in the Austrian alps. We both love hiking trekking and climbing there.
I am using a RaspberryPi (Rev. B2) for an RFID base door lock project. This is now also connected to an app.
#SOreadytohelp Stackoverflow has enabled me to quickly and easily find solutions to my programming and system problems, and I am happy to help others in return. Happy anniversary SO.