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Cyrille Anyeng is an experienced Full stack Java Developer with the ability of delivering high performance solutions quickly. Currently working as Software Engineer Senior Analyst at Accenture Technology LTD, he has held various positions such as Analyst programmer, software Engineer, independent consultant during his 6 years’ experience at various multinationals companies, governmental and non-governmental organizations such as the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale (GIZ), the United Nations University (INRA), working for majors clients mainly in R&D, Banking, Financing & Insurance Industry based in countries such as France, Belgium, Netherlands, Ghana, Gabon, Cameroon

Cyrille holds a MSc. in Computer Engineering from the University of Yaounde I (Cameroon) and also professional badge as the Oracle Certify Professional from the Oracle University, the Java for SAP/4HANA Certification from the OpenSAP

Specialties: Java SE/EE/FX, Spring Boot/Data/Security/MVC, Hibernate/JPA, UML Modelling, Analysis and Design, Agile, EJB, Oracle Database/PostgreSQL/MySQL/H2 Embedded Database, Angular4/HTML5, NodeJs, TomEE/Weblogic/ActiveMQ-JMS, JasperStudio Business Intelligence, Netbeans/STS/Eclispe IDE, Maven 2/3, GIT, Jenkins for Continuous Integration, Sonar code Analysis, Dockers for containerization, Python/R/Matlab for data analysis, Machine learning conversant