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avatar of BeachBum68


BeachBum68 has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I'm a support technician at a major insurance provider. I also provide automation support with office applications (spec. Excel, Word, & Outlook) and I have some experience in the financial sector as far as being a computer operator. I've also worked as a Systems Admin, and I have experience in manufacturing from production and management to Q/A (inspection and methodology) and data gathering (my first foray to VBA).

I've been interested in programming since I was in school but have finally had the opportunity to develop in VBA, which I enjoy quite a lot. I try to learn something new every day and I hope to branch out into other languages. I'm married and live at home with several cats. I like woodworking, camping, and shooting sports. I love to ride my Ninja ZX11 and enjoy watching off-road rally and track racing (not oval track ‹yawn›).

I used to be involved in gaming a lot, but haven't done that in years. I still love FPS's and I'm not a fan of consoles; I can't stand controllers; give me a keyboard and mouse any day. My first computer was a Digital Robin (vt180), which dates me ‹sigh›.

BeachBum68 questions