I work for a Game Studio, but ultimately I have been programming in various languages for pretty much my whole life. I have experience in lots of languages, but I'm especially skilled in C++, C#, and JavaScript.
I have a passion for Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, and Virtual Reality. As such, I'm very familiar with OpenGL and DirectX, and the basics of Data-Oriented Programming (especially when the GPU is involved).
I have done lots of work in SQL as well, and I'm familiar with various DMBS's such as MySQL, SQL Server, and SQLite. Currently looking into PostgreSQL.
I also do a lot of server management, and am very familiar with Amazon Web Services and the various things they offer (EC2, RDS, VPC, etc).
I also have a solid background in web development.
Lastly, I'm quite familiar with making "hacky" scripts in various operating systems to automate tasks.