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AyAz has asked 2 questions and find answers to 4 problems.


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I have an experience of over 4 years in mobile applications development. I have worked individually as well as in a team. I like to build fully efficient applications which are user-friendly as well as best in design.

I like challenges and welcome any new ideas for app creation which makes me keep learning new things and keep updated about new technology. Client satisfaction and deliverables are the most important parameters for my working environment.

My core competency lies in iPhone and iPad development and I am seeking opportunities to build social, utility, navigation and web services apps mainly. I have worked with foreign as well as local clients.

If you have an idea for an app and want to bring it to life, feel free to contact me.

iPhone/iPad/ Apple watch Skills:

  • Swift 4.x

  • Cocoa Touch, UIKit

  • Autolayout Responsive Design
  • UIViewAnimation & Transition
  • UITableView, UIScrollView,UICollectionView, UICollectionViewFlowLayout
  • Realm, Coredata, NSUserdefaults, plists Arrays, Dictionary, sets
  • Web Services (SOAP/REST/JSON based)
  • BarCode, QRCode Scanner, Camera, Live Video Streaming
  • Asynchronous and synchronous API calls,XML, JSON Parsing, SOAP
  • AVFoundation, AVAudioRecorder, and MediaPlayer
  • Google Maps, MapKit and Annotations
  • Push Notification, NotificationCenter
  • Dispatch & MultiThreading
  • In-App Purchase

SDKs Used:

  • Facebook, Twitter
  • Google, Crashlytics, Fabric, Analytics
  • Google Maps, Google Places, Geofencing
  • Firebase, Back4App
  • Stripe, Braintree, ApplePay