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Avikalp Gupta

Avikalp Gupta has asked 2 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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Completed B.Tech. from CSE, IIT Kanpur in 2016. Worked for a year in Microsoft Research Lab (India) in distributed databases and with the TEM (Technologies for Emerging Markets) group. Then worked as a senior consultant in Fresh Gravity in a data scientist role under the Artificial Intelligence capability for 1.5 years.

I co-founded a healthcare startup called InforMED Global in late 2018 where I created a software-based solution to bridge the language-based communication gap in the medical domain. Had to stop because of a bad founding team.

Joined GetMega on 2nd April 2019. I like mentoring juniors and teaching them software engineering through Alokit Innovations platform.

Most used tech-stacks:

  1. Python, Jupyter Notebook, Numpy, Pandas
  2. Python Django & Flask
  3. Ionic Framework: NodeJS, AngularJS, Cordova, Android Studio, XCode
  4. FERN Stack: Firebase, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS
  5. Android Studio: Java, Kotlin

Frequently code in GoLang, Python, C++, Bash, Perl, PHP and R.

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