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arturhoo has asked 1 questions and find answers to 4 problems.


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I’m Artur Rodrigues, and I’m a Production Engineer at Facebook taking care of the MySQL Infrastructure that powers 2 billion users monthly from London, UK.

Before joining FB, I worked as a Software Engineer at IDXP Analytics where I captured probe requests on OpenWRT powered routers, built big data algorithms using scientific packages in Python, developed RESTful APIs with Rails and PostgreSQL and handled all of the DevOps efforts involved in collecting millions of data points every week.

I've also spent two years at EloGroup as a Rails developer and DevOps engineer, taking care of 100+ AWS and on-premises servers, ensuring that they were consistently provisioned and applications were properly deployed and monitored. I've also worked at DeskMetrics and CEMIG, and was a visiting CS student at University of Leeds.

During my academic years, I got interested in Data Visualization and created two big projects: Como nos Sentimos and ADVISe.

When I am not coding, I get inspired by seeing creative visualizations and large interactive installations. In the last year, I've also become highly interested in investing and how people deal with money in general. I like to think I'm a great Go-kart driver, an ok swimmer, and insist that every Brazilian (and pretty much everyone that can afford it) should visit Inhotim.