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Arthur Mastropietro

Arthur Mastropietro has asked 2 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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My name is Arthur, i'm 38 y/0 and i'm a developer with 13 years of experience. For me it all started there in 2009 in the course of Digital Games Development at Sao Paulo Technology School (FATEC). I joined the course totally lost, not knowing what to expect and discovered a passion for life: development ... code. From there I dedicated myself to web development, I went through agencies, consultancies, startups and multinationals, I also studied Analysis and Development of Systems in Anhembi Morumbi University and today i'm taking a postgraduate course in Software Engineering. My favorite playing are in the back-end with Golang and PHP, but i also give my hunches with Java and Python. In the front-end I do not spend any trouble, I have enough experience with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I work a lot with AngularJS and Bootstrap, Node.js as well.

But, the more exciting part! currently, i'm in love, fascinated and dedicated to work with the blockchain technology and it's applications, like Bitcoin, Ethereum and Hyperledger. I develop smart contracts for Ethereum in Solidity, use Truffle Framework for managing and webpack to create applications. In Hyperledger i got Linux Foundations certification and i'm able to build networks, create chain codes and create applications which interact with blockchain as well.

I love what I do and I do what I love, I always say that software development for me, before being my profession, is my hobby. It's like getting paid to play the guitar! How cool is that?