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Arpit Bansal

Arpit Bansal has asked 1 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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I am a Tech Enthusiast, Loves Coding and a Social Maniac. Two things i can always do irrespective of surroundings and resources, I can code and can make people laugh.

I have started my carrier with Onmobile Global Ltd. This company was in Mobile value added services domain. My work was majorly into developing and maintaing their content management system. A lot of UI/Frontend Engineering with ofcourse the interaction with backend was the core summary of my work during my early years of Job. I used to write a lot of Java, Javascript, HTML, CSS

Javascript and related stack was a love at first sight. This love towards frontend technologies pushed me to explore better opportunities and i joined Slideshare Inc. It was a small setup with lots of cutting edge work. I started working with the business side of Slideshare.net and was majorly responsible for developing around the premium services provided by slideshare. Rewriting the payment gateway system was my first major task. I was the guy who introduced the coupon system, multiple currency support, multiple language support in Slideshare. Getting users to annual subscriptions was my first major win as an employee.

But curiosity kills the cat. My curiosity towards what is happening at the backend and the operational side pushed me to ask the management to shift me to the core backend team. Now i work as a backend Engineer strengthening the document conversion part and internal infrastructure of Slideshare Core. Working extensively using S3, SQS and EC2 and other services provided by Amazon Web Services. I have also worked on Image quality and processing domain. Slideshare has over 300M monthly page views and the system i am working on supports the conversion of approximately 25K documents everyday. So today my learning is more towards supporting large scale systems.

and i also met my new love - Ruby on Rails. She is beautiful.