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avatar of Armando Vasquez

Armando Vasquez

Armando Vasquez has asked 1 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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I know little about pop culture, am comically devoid of social interests, and tend to think my solutions are the best.

In short, I'm a coder.

But you probably could have guessed it by the mere fact of my presence here... All jokes aside, I don't have much in the ways of traditional education besides what I gleaned during an extended scenic vacation through multiple different collegiate resorts.

College wasn't for me; being a sufferer of ADHD and OCD, the constant fear of failure inhibited my ability to perform (really). I decided to take a break and in that break, I've learned:

  1. JavaScript
  2. Swift
  3. Google Analytics
  4. JIRA Administration
  5. Minor electrical engineering concepts (hobby)

And more...

This is not to "brag", but more to illustrate the fact that I both believe in self-motivated education as a valid source of knowledge AND to show that it does work for people like me. I consider myself a "case study" in human behavior, and my life is my experiment - I don't want someone else leading the "study" that is my life - I want to be the one in charge.