Hey, guys!
I'm Leandro and I'm the founder of ZeroSeven Interactive. For you to understand who I am, you'll need to know my story. I started out programming in 3rd grade when Scratch was first introduced to me. From there on, I wanted to create video games. I wanted to learn how to create games outside of Scratch but I couldn't find any easy way to do it. After a break from programming I finally got back into it when I found out about Android Java. I still had game developing in mind when I started programming again so you can imagine how hard it was for me to even start. I finally decided on learning to create applications instead. This change in goals for me made my life easier and creating applications came natural to me. I learned programming languages like Java and JavaScript and I also learned HTML and CSS. I decided to revisit my goals of being a game developer later on and it was amazing how fast I learned to do it. In my opinion, programming, coding, or anything that has to do with computers is what makes this world a better in place. Programming is my life and it's what I do to get away from the world and sometimes even create my own world.
public class Occupation {
public static void main(String[] args){
private String[] strs = new String[]{"am", "I", "programmer", "a"};
System.out.println(strs[1], strs[0], strs[3], strs[2]);