The technique behind how things work has fascinated me for as long as I can remember. This fascination made me read numerous books on just as many topics and resulted in me working on a broad range of project varying from crafting furniture to creäting websites and applications. Ergo at High School, I chose the technical profile and build both a ‘Coil gun’ and a small Maglev train for my final graduation project.
My enthrallment for getting answers to the question: ‘How do things function?’ did set off my interest in the Human body and how its mechanics operate, hence my pick for the Bachelor Human Movement Sciences (Kinesiology). During my study, it became apparent to me, however, that my heart was with the more technical side of things. For me, the main reason to opt for a technical minor, a technical thesis, and a vastly technical research project.
Having finished my Bachelor with a thesis on Passive Dynamic Walkers and a – to be published - study on the topic of ‘The influence of gravity on the path curvature and tangential velocity profiles in unconstrained point-to-point arm movements’ the only right decision for me was to continue at the Technical University of Delft. In Delft, I now take class in Biomechanical Engineering. After concluding this study and receiving my Master degree the ultimate goal for me is to combine Robotics and Engineering knowledge with the knowledge I have on the functioning of the Human body and by doing so, creäte new technologies which improve the lives of disabled or incapacitated people.