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Hi, my name is Amir D. ! I'm a 19 year old software developer living in Germany, whose passion is to develop applications for IOS and for educational purposes for Windows in my leisure time. I remember well my first PC (with Win 95 ^^), which I got at the early age of 3. I did my first steps on the internet and learned the basic tasks of an OS. I was astonished at the scope of this fabulous device! During the years I explored nearly everything to what I was able to do as a User of a Computer, so that at the age of 13 I started to discover the world of programming with Visual Basic and later with Visual C#, because I was used to just use a PC. I really wanted to find out, what's behind this genious tool. After 2 years of exploring the opportunities of software development and the fun you can have while practising it, I got my first Macintosh. This was the chance to develop applications for Apple Devices (which was one of my biggest dreams, because I'm a big Apple fan), so that I started learning Objective C with Xcode in Fall 2012.