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Anthony has asked 2 questions and find answers to 5 problems.


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I'm since 2013 a self-employed Apple-IT-Consultant and Coach, based in Berlin, Germany. In the private sector I'm helping people to use their Apple products more productive and explaining them the idea behind the system. In the business sector I'm something like a flying admin for small till middle-sized companies. I implement Apple-Server and also network-solutions like NAS or VPN and so on. Since 2 Years, started in the mid of 2016, I'm teaching my self to programming, cause I would like to have a tool which frees me from local costumers. I started with Python in a bootcamp, which lasted 4 month. I realized a web application project with Python and Django. After that project, I realized that I want to focus on iOS development, so I started learn Swift.

At the moment I'm working on an application for consumers, which scans GTIN-Codes and gives a feedback about the producer and the concern behind it. I'm using Swift 4 and Xcode 9, I also want to program am server side Swift-Application which handle the JSON database.