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Anik Islam Abhi

Anik Islam Abhi has asked 0 questions and find answers to 45 problems.


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  • A Blockchain-Based Artificial Intelligence-Empowered Contagious Pandemic Situation Supervision Scheme Using Internet of Drone Things
  • A Blockchain-Based Secure Healthcare Scheme with the Assistance of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Internet of Things
  • BUS: A Blockchain-Enabled Data Acquisition Scheme With the Assistance of UAV Swarm in Internet of Things
  • BUAV: A Blockchain Based Secure UAV-Assisted Data Acquisition Scheme in Internet of Things


I received my Ph.D. degree in IT Convergence Engineering from Kumoh National Institute of Technology. I have completed my graduation in Software engineering from American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) and completed post-graduation in computer science at AIUB. I have been awarded “Summa Cum Laude” for maintaining a good CGPA in my post-graduation. I have work experience as a software engineer for more than 5 years. I also have experience as a research assistant at the WENS Lab. for more than 3 years. I have participated in various software competitions with exemplary achievements. I have also participated in talk shows, investigation program on national television.

Currently, I am working as a postdoctoral research fellow under the project "BK21FOUR MERIT (Medical, Electronic, Robotic, IT) Convergence Innovation Talents Training Group for Smart Manufacturing Innovation" at Kumoh National Institute of Technology, South Korea.

I have participated in various software competitions and gained some remarkable places [Details: provided here]. I have solved more than 150 problems in ACM and also participated in online ACM contests.

I believe in logic rather than a programming language. I believe that logic can be transferred to any language. That’s why I learned and work with different languages and platforms so that languages and platforms can’t become a hindrance to convert my imagination into reality.