I'm a student of Saint-Petersburg Polytechnical University (SPbSTU)
Faculty of Technical Cybernetics
Department of Computer Systems and Software Technology
(previous name: Computer Science and Engineering)
/ official sites are http://ftk.spbstu.ru/ and http://spbstu.ru/ /
Main interests:
PHP 4/5, and Drupal CMF - I know them really well, have long experience of programming web-sites from scratch, programming sites with drupal 5,6,7, writing custom features (and, ofcouse patching bugs) in some PHP based proprietary applications and writing non-web applications in PHP5.
Python and its asynchronous frameworks. I prefer python 3.
Language translation theory and its practical implementation. Unfortunaly I have only basic knowledge, but I try to find out more, because I think that it's very principal aspect for any who tries to write code.
"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world"
said Ludwig Wittgenstein.
I absolutely agree to him and also I know that computer languages are subset of the artificial languages, which are subset of the natural ones.