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Andrew Reid

Andrew Reid has asked 0 questions and find answers to 152 problems.


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I'm a project manager, but sadly, my work generally involves more about geochemistry and wildlife geography than programming, but I'm interested in a wide array of different languages and platforms. However, I spend most of my time on Stack Overflow on the geographic side of things along with a focus on d3.js.

In addition to a few geographic oriented d3 extensions that are slowly evolving, I'm also working on a visualization utility (for use with D3) called lichen that allows easy integration of patterns and textures with svg shapes. Here's a demo. As well as a marker clusterer (for use with D3) called d3-fuse. Here's a demo of that.

Among my answers, I'm relatively happy with these:

  • (D3) Converting EPSG projection bounds to a D3.js projection
  • (D3) Pre-projected geometry v getting the browser to do it (aka efficiency v flexibility)
  • (Leaflet) Coloring clusters by markers inside
  • (D3) Force Layout with Voronoi - updating force