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avatar of Andreas Rudolph

Andreas Rudolph

Andreas Rudolph has asked 3 questions and find answers to 7 problems.


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Android Chapter Lead, App Entrepreneur, Developer, Designer and Manager of IT-projects by drive and profession.

Technical leader in Nuuday's Music Tribe (https://nuuday.dk), co-founder of Jawper (https://jawper.com), contributor or lead developer on more than 50 app projects, and self-publisher with more than 1.000.000+ downloads and tens of thousands of active users (https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Andreas+Rudolph).

I've been into the world of full throttle app-making ever since the smartphone wave hit the landscape. I'm passionate about technology, and volunteer in Coding Pirates to pass the same enthusiasm onto youngsters.

I have built a wide array of apps, software and IT-projects within areas of healthcare, productivity, culture, climate and industry solutions. As well as started my own projects with great success. Android, Web, Design and Cloud technology are my specialties, but I have deep practical experience with both business development, solid estimation, and marketing strategies too.

I have a drive to get involved with both good ideas and passionate people. While bringing both technical hands-on involvement, design development, and the ability to break any implementation down to each of its executable parts.

I can play both the architect, the planner, the builder and the guy with a good idea. Or all at once.

So lets play.