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I am a computer programmer. I am enthusiastic about Data Science and Machine Learning. My passion is to develop smart data processing system or software system using AI and Machine learning technologies. In this way I have related experience:

► Hardcore practice with Python data processing and machine learning libraries like Pandas, Numpy, Tensorflow, Keras, Scipy, Matplotlib, Scikitlearn ► Applied five different Machine Learning algorithm to extract information form image or image classification: a) Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) b) Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) c) Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) d) K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) e) Random Forest Classifier (RFC) f) Support Vector Machine (SVM) g) Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) ► Worked on language modeling, cosine similarities and n-gram model to find the document similarities ► Working experience as Statistical Programmer, good understanding of statistical model and analysis ► Online machine learning course form Coursera, Youtube and Github. ► Participating online Kaggle contest ► I have a good skill on SQL query to abstract, update and manipulate data form database ► Applied Python/Java interoperability to handle request from server, data processing and get result from Machine Learning model ► Have good experience and skills on Linux based operating system, Linux command, tools and remote working using shell

In profession I have experience to work with several programming languages and also in several system or platform. Used lots of technology, multiple operating system to make the system automatic.

Currently I am working with Machine Learning and Deep Learning. My main responsibilities were / are: - Develop Machine Learning or Deep Learning model for Language Modeling and image classification - Train the model in local machine and also in cloud - Apply Feature Engineering - Use cloud based GPU to train the model - Working on Linux based operating system