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My name is Ali Al-Khamis. I was born in 1993 in Saudi Arabia. I have bachelor's degree in Software Engineering from KFUPM. Currently, I work as a Mobile/Web developer.

I loved technology and computers from the day I was conscious of this life.I had my hands on my mother's Windows 98 PC which came with a case that had a a cat shaped floppy Disk where the mouth was the entrance of that best storage option at that time (1.47 MB). I used to type presentations for my mother which gave me decent typing speed. And the time to play some old games that I still remember their gameplay but not their names unfortunately.

Before that, I had my hands on my father's most of the time broken devices and tried to open them and discover how do they work. Let's say disassembling was easier than reassembling which comes with some spanks incase if testers returned the product to me.

I remember the days when I was in elementary to middle school where I was saving my allowance to buy an SD card for my Atlas Dictionary (64 MB).

After graduating from high-school and going to college, I was facing one of the most difficult challenges in my life which was Choosing my Major.

I was one of the top 10 student and my GPA was great in highshcool. Thus, most people expected me to take one of the 3 most popular majors which were: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Chemical Engineering.

But, none of those majors took my attention. My idea was that, I wanted something that can be done anywhere anytime. I wanted something that is always looking at the future. Something that always trending and can with the combination of all other majors , help people and make their life better and more enjoyable. And finally, something I have passion to do.

That is why I wanted to take of the IT fields. And what is better than IT field with Engineering. Add to that recipe some project management and you get yourself the most delicious major that combine the three main fields of any major. IT, Engineering ,and Management. This is the best option for me. and I shouted in a very enthusiastic way: "I am going to become a Software Engineer".