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avatar of Ali Ben Messaoud

Ali Ben Messaoud

Ali Ben Messaoud has asked 16 questions and find answers to 5 problems.


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Best Rank :
916/43935 - Top 6% 2-8/05/2011

About Me

Hello, I am Ali, and I am a software engineer. I use and therefore will learn and answer questions about Java & Kotlin as backend technologies and I do like to get hands dirty with frontend technologies. The topics I will be writing about will cover microservices, the web, AI, and blockchain.

You may be wondering what experience I have. I started my career as a freelance developer building websites and apps for small businesses in Kairouan, Tunisia. Later I moved to France and started my career as a Software engineer in Paris. I worked for CEA Tech and Sopra HR Software as Software Engineer. Since 2018 I have joined Vidal and then Fnac Darty Group working on several projects with several teams.

Most of my knowledge comes from reading books, blogs, moocs, meetups, open source projects and learning from those I’ve worked with at the time.

Some non-programming things to know about me. I live in Paris area, I am a coffee snob, and love football.


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Having fun developing awesome stuff.


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