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alexey-novikov has asked 1 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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In web programming I have been probably for about 6-7 years, for this time I wrote a ton of code, both for myself, and for large companies like Amadeus and Flynax. I wrote code using CMS systems such as WordPress and OpenCart. I developed plug-ins for WordPress, expanded the theme functionality with a help of a secondary one. I got acquainted with the MVC pattern, based on the CodeIgnater framework. I wrote a small diploma on it. I am a little familiar with Yii. Further I understood that it is necessary to study JavaScript properly. A lot of code was written on it as well. I know jQuery well. I fell in love with Laravel and VueJs2 at first sight, now I try to write everything using this stack.

Constant desire to understand how everything works from the inside, prompted me to look under the "hood" of the frameworks I was studying. From where I actually figured out the design patterns, such as DI-container, Factory, Provider, Facade. Understanding of Routing, code formatting standards (PSR-1,2), autoload standard (PS-4), with middleware, with processing server requests based on PSR-7, with a large number of methodologies, such as DRY, KISS, SOLID, with TDD methodology (Test Driven Development). Having learned about them, the thoughts “How to improve the written code”, “How to speed up / optimize the already written code segment” constantly appeared in my head, and here I began to get acquainted with HighLoad (it was rather this desire that prompted the search for the necessary vacancy). At the moment, I repeat the learning process I have completed on Node.js, React, VueJS2.

I consider my main virtues to be insatiable curiosity in learning something new, perseverance and striving for a goal, despite the difficulties encountered - to bring the matter to the end. Thanks to these qualities, I successfully wrote quite complex systems, studied the work of a huge number of APIs: Google Map, Google Street View, VK API, Yandex, Amazon, Facebook API, Face Recognition API, and also dug up a huge number of successful Open Source projects. With proper motivation I can work a huge amount of hours. Perseverance and the desire to bring everything to the end are my favorite workmates.