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Alex L

Alex L has asked 1 questions and find answers to 8 problems.


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I co-founded a company using ML (mostly NLP) to clean data for insurance companies (python + .NET). I got hooked at university (controlling a benchtop instrument) and have been coding ever since. I became (for better & for worse) known as the Excel VBA guy so I wrote lots of internal tools. When I can pick, I use Python or JavaScript (or both) and sometimes C#. Also, slowly starting to really enjoy Rust and TypeScript.

I am particularly good at taking Excel Tools and converting them into web tools. Additionally, I really enjoy creating SVGs designs and/or data visualizations (vanilla JS and/or d3.js etc.). If you are interested in having me consult on either of these types of projects, please reach out to me.

I'm currently learning how to write machine learning algorithms in Python without the ML libraries and I often dip my toe into other languages to see how the style is etc. (R, Julia, Rust, C++).