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I am studying second year a Master Degree in the University of Oulu and I have finished Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciencies for my Bachelor Degree in 2015. I am interested in interaction design and persuasive technologies, that help to create a high quality application with a comfortable user interface. I am developing

In the University project I have been working as a full-stack developer for 4 months and have been working for 50 hours per week to successfully complete course, except the time needed for other studies. The main part of the project was to create an application with the support of audio recording, sending file to the server and getting a list of files from the server, in addition all recordings were shown on Google Maps. In the project I have successfully implemented an Reaction programming methodology on Java and use it in new projects. In the second part of the project I have done server side on PHP with JSON-requests and a website with a merged database for registration and authentication of users through Android application.

Also in the University I have been doing an application for Home Automation System. Server side was provided from the University and my aim was to create an application that communicate with the server. In the project I used Retrofit library for decreasing the use of AsyncTasks and to improve the speed of response and also RxJava for improving my skills in reactive programming.

I would like to work with interesting people to spread my ideas to both developers and designers. I always try to work under my code and find the best solution to make my code readable for others by constant reading of others code and suggestions from different documentation, such as forums, books and open source code from github. And in three or five years my aim is to become a senior developer in Android OS as in the next few years the amount of mobile devices will increase on one billion and more than a half will be on Android. As most of Android applications are difficult to monetarise I want to join a team and to share my ideas and solutions with others and get money to support my family.

In my free time I am doing my own Android project, read books and watch TED talks in order to keep track of trends. My interest is Interaction design and persuasive technologies in mobile development.