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Al-m has asked 2 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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I am currently a front-end developer after undergoing a web development internship since finishing my MSc in media technology University of Hertfordshire. I have a mastery over HTML, JavaScript & CSS as well as experience with frameworks such as Angular and Vue.js acquired through personal and professional experience and education. In addition to the front-end competence, I also have experience in backend development with Node.js (using Express) and Ruby on Rails.

I am a very creative person as well due to my background in arts and design, innovative design is just as important to me as functionality.

I am looking for junior development roles that will let me learn and grow as well as provide opportunities to prove myself.

My main competencies are javascript, node.js, angular, vue and Ruby on Rails but I am always interested in new technologies and methods!

As I am always up for a challenge and learning new things, an ideal company would be one that would push me further while letting me build on what I know and can do now as well as one with the chance to be creative.