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Akshar Raaj

Akshar Raaj has asked 4 questions and find answers to 21 problems.


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I am a software developer with 6+ years of professional software development experience.

I have worked with several funded and successful companies. I have worked with small teams as well as large organizations. Get in touch to talk about it in detail.

I have served organizations in various capacities which include Backend developer, Full stack developer, Individual Contributor and Technical Architect.

I have taken projects from conception phase to production. I know what it takes to architect a scalable and maintainable product. I love working on challengine problems and finding innovative and simple solutions for them.

I frequently blog about my learnings. You can read them at https://www.agiliq.com/authors/#Akshar. My posts have been read over a million times :)

I strongly believe that if correct processes and tools are in place, then any company can reach it's goals irrespective of the team size location and timezone of its employees.