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AdminDev826 has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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Hi, I love to write clean and useful code and algorithm

Experienced Parts:

√ Objective-C, Swift, Java, React Native, C#, ASP.NET, Ruby on Rails, Ionic framework, Angular JS, node.JS, Python, Django.

√ Payment Gateway Integration such as Paypal, Stripe, PayU, Citrus etc.

√ Integration of In-app purchases

√ Web Service Integration: JSON parsing, XML parsing, SOAP web API integration, RESTful API integration, Amazon AWS, Parse SDK, Volley, Alamofire, NSURLSession

√ Databases : SQLite, MySQL, CoreData, Persistent Store

√ Apple store application upload, Google Play application upload

√ Chat & Messaging: XMPP, Jabber, Erlang, Quickblox, PubNub , APNS, GCM, FCM

√ Video/audio/image processing : GPUImage, OpenCV, AVFoundation, CoreAudio

√ Device Kit: BLE, iBeacon, NFC, HomeKit, HealthKit, WatchKit, Phillips meethue

√ Social Integration: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumblr, Youtube, Vimeo

√ Location service: GPS, Geo-Fetching, Google Map, Foursquare, Open Street Maps, Mapbox

√ Ad integration: iAd, Admob, Revmob, Chartboost, Flurry

√ Analytics integration: Google Analytics, NewRelic

√ Source control: SVN, JIRA, Confluence, ASANA, BaseCamp, BitBucket, Github

√ Cloud service: iCloud, Dropbox, AWS

My Skills set:

Frontend: Html5, CSS3, JavaScript, Vue.js, Ember.js, Ionic Framework, TypeScript, Twitter Bootstrap, ES6, jQuery, Angular JS, React JS, React Native

Backend: Ruby on Rails, C#, Node.js, Express, Java, PHP, ASP.NET

DB: MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL

OS: Linux, Mac OS X, Windows


Bug/Issue trackers: Trello, Basecamp  

My availability:

-- I can work 40hrs/week.

-- Strong communication skills.

-- Provide one month free maintenance.

-- 100% client satisfaction.

-- Money Back guarantee if unfortunately any problem happens.

-- Looking to have a long-term relationship with client.

-- Project requirement analysis & Consultation

-- iOS & Android & Backend & Admin panel development

-- High quality code

-- Regular delivery for checking progress

-- UI/UX design

-- Testing & QA
