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avatar of Aditya Prakash

Aditya Prakash

Aditya Prakash has asked 1 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I'm a student developer, currently in my 3rd year of Computer Engineering. I put my best into every line of code I write, striving to solve problems through ingenuity and diligence. I'm naturally curious, confidently perseverant and constantly working to improve my skill-set one project at a time.

I don't define myself by the work I have done, but rather that which I want to do. Challenges drive me, and innovations inspire me. I am an avid programmer, who likes to code things from scratch and enjoy bringing ideas to life. I value diversity, efficient collaboration, and thoughtful interactions. As a lifelong learner, I believe constantly improving my skills and exploring new ideas is indispensable to my craft.

I’m passionate, expressive, and multi-talented with a natural affinity to collaborate, help, and inspire. I’m never satisfied to just come up with ideas, instead I have an almost impulsive urge to bring them to life. My strong work ethics drive me to go the extra mile to accomplish goals, whether on the keyboard or beyond.