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Adesh M

Adesh M has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I am a Lead Software Engineer with experience in a wide array of roles as User Interface / User Experience (UI / Frontend / UX) Development Engineer with 10+ years of experience. I am proficient with latest web technologies i.e. RWD, HTML, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and JQuery with working experience on back-end programming languages like PHP and JAVA. I am able to work effectively in a team or on my own. I have demonstrated an ability to lead small teams and mentor other hands. I pride myself on being able to use my knowledge and initiative to deliver high quality results under aggressive deadlines. I enjoy a challenge and look for the opportunity to expand and develop my skill set.

My Core Competencies:

  • Coding, documentation, attending project meetings, communicating with the team, clients and management.
  • UX Strategy and UI Development, Implementation and customer evaluation
  • Story-boarding, Page flow, User Stories, Use Cases, Usage Scenarios and Navigation Mapping
  • Functional Prototypes, Scoping Business Requirements and New Product Development
  • Usability, A/B Testing, Focus Groups, Analytic Based Modifications
  • Delegating work to others, mentoring, Team Building or Coaching
  • Project Management using Agile Methodology
  • Mobile App, Web strategies, Responsive Web Design