Greetings! My name is Adam. I have been learning to develop websites for nearly three years now. While compiling these new abilities I have been able to offer my assistance to friends, family members, businesses and even a non-profit organization. I am glad to say that I was able to provide them with a web presence they can be proud of.
To further my education I am currently a student in the Rutgers full-stack web development program and will be graduating October 2016. Throughout the course I have been developing creative and skillful projects in a collaborative environment. Utilizing source control and communicating with my team through Slack has been an excellent way to maintain workflow and fulfill deadline requirements. This challenging program has allowed me to become skilled with HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Node JS, APIs, Git, Command line, Firebase, MySQL, Heroku, Responsive Design and much more. The challenges that are presented while learning to code can be daunting. However, overcoming the obstacles I have encountered has been more rewarding than I could have imagined.