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avatar of Adam Scott Roan

Adam Scott Roan

Adam Scott Roan has asked 1 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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hi there.

i'm a hobbyist programmer. my tools-of-the-trade are typically as follows:

1) C

2) Pascal and its decedents (Delphi, Free Pascal, Lazarus.) I use C when I'm in Linux, and Delphi otherwise... but now with Lazarus becoming more and more mature, my Pascal skills have been intersecting with the *NIX world.

my itinerary for "apps i have written" is slightly defunct after a major hard drive failure about ~1.5 years ago, however, here's a rough list of what I have completed... both past and future/present.

1) zsnes patch. i wrote a patch that sends ROM files to the client computer if it did not have the file locally. technically this is usually illegal but there's a method to detect copyrighted signatures in a ROM file, but I never implemented it. I am going to work on this again soon with added portability.

2) a simple binary clock. C+SDL. very simple and straightforward.

3) tic-tac-toe game with complete procedural AI routines. C+SDL+OpenGL.

4) misc. other softs that no one cares about!

that's about it. i'm usually in the C++ channel helping others, so if you have a specific question, feel free to ask it there.