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I am a highly experienced solutions architect / senior analyst programmer specialising in the design and development of enterprise scale web applications. I have extensive experience of several development stacks including the Microsoft ASP.NET platform (10 years +) and Ruby on Rails (2 years +).

Working as a programmer since 1998, I have a wealth of experience in the design and delivery of robust and maintainable n-tier web/ database applications. I have extensive software project lifecycle experience including: project and resource planning; team management; requirements gathering; systems analysis, design and development; testing and support.

I have worked in a range of sectors including blue chip multinationals, academia, web development agencies and latterly on freelance contracts and projects as the director of Kujenga Ltd. Through this experience I have gained extensive object orientated and procedural coding experience using a range of programming languages and technologies including:

C#/ ASP.NET (including MVC), Ruby on Rails, JavaScript/ JQuery/ and MVVM frameworks such KnockoutJS and AngularJS, SQL (including MSSQL, MySQL and PostreSQL, HTML / CSS / XML / XSLT (Further back in time)

Smalltalk, Flex, ActionScript and from way back in the day COBOL! I have designed and coded on systems that employ RESTful and SOAP based web services and have authored bespoke interfaces that use JavaScript and JQuery to deliver complex AJAX interactions.

Through managing teams on large application builds I have focused more and more on utilising robust development processes. I insist on continuous integration, automated unit testing and where possible automated deployments. I have substantial experience of cloud based services AWS and Azure and I am an experienced user of version control systems including Git, TFS and Subversion.