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Current project is Acecool Code Mapping System for Sublime Text( Add Repo: https://bitbucket.org/Acecool/AcecoolCodeMappingSystem -- then install AcecoolCodeMappingSystem -- I'll add it to main list when version 1.0.0 is ready ) which does for Sublime Text many different languages which some IDEs do for code... It creates a panel and processes your code into important hot-links so you can jump to functions, class definitions, etc.. quickly and efficiently without wasting time scrolling..

It also displays notes, tasks lists, and much much more.. The categories are organized in the configuration file, and the entries are sorted based on your setting - by default functions are organized alphabetically.. Nested categories ( such as which are added when there are nested classes, etc... ) are organized alphabetically in the child class category...

Version 1.0.0 will have live sorting of the output panel, with filter / mask search option.. You'll be able to assign rules to quickly set up new languages. Right now you can easily add new things to earmark for discovery such as AccessorFunctions where the ACMS expands the call into category entries for the output panel so if your AccessorFunc adds 20 functions, you can easily add all 20, or just a few, whatever you want...

Version 1.0.0 will have additional panels and every character can be mapped in the output panel instead of binding the double-click jump to the line data : ... When every char can be bound, it means clickables can be bound in addition to hoverables so a live wiki-like output can be displayed for your code as would be present in IDEs making Sublime Text with ACMS a serious contender for developmental usage as an IDE.

Sublime Text is incredibly light-weight and utilizes threads. It is the fastest of Notepad++, Atom, Visual Code, and others I've tried. It has near instant file-searching where-as others either lock-up or take a long time. It has many other helpful features. The biggest downside is a lack of advanced panels, but memory leaks are less likely - a lot of officially advertised plugins for n++ have memory leaks, crashing issues, etc.. and ST3 doesn't which is why I use it.

Version 1.0.0 will be a major improvement over the current version whereby the current callback system utilizing many args will now only take 1 to make it future-proof and easier to maintain. With my new AccessorFunc system now almost complete, a few minor things left as of August End 2018, I can now start porting ACMS system to the new object system....