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Abhik Chakraborty

Abhik Chakraborty has asked 1 questions and find answers to 75 problems.


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Open Source rocks and I have been working with these technologies since May 2006 without any break.

Back in those days worked mostly on LAMP stack. With the evolution of technology, I also evolved and went with the flow, and still flowing.

Technologies that I worked/working are - PHP, MySQL, Node.Js, Javascript, AWS and currently learning React.Js

With the demand of customization of open source products I worked on V-Tiger CRM customization and created products out of it as per customer need.

Modern web development methodology has changed quite significantly over the past decade and this helped me to learn and work on some of the key things like - RESTful API for high traffic applications, Micro Services, Node.Js, AWS EC2, AWS EBS, Server less architecture (AWS API Gateway, s3, Lambda etc), NoSQL, REDIS, Queue Services (AWS SQS, RabbitMQ)

Manual code deployment almost has become history, so does my early days deployment work. Currently working on CI, CD and deployment automation using CircleCI, AWS Code Pipeline along with server infrastructure management using Terraform since few years.

Bots are everywhere now a days, and developed a chatbot sitting at San Francisco Bay Area using DialogFlow as NLP along with Botkit (Node.Js).

And, all the work that I do, are by following agile methodology using Jira and weekly sprint.

In personal life, I like spending time with family & friends, travelling, watching movies (Thrillers, Horror, Science Friction) and of-course trying different cuisines.

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