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Abhijit Bashetti

Abhijit Bashetti has asked 5 questions and find answers to 27 problems.


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Software professional with 14+ years of expertise in design, implementation of web applications using ava/J2EE and other technologies such as Spring Boot, Spring, Hibernate, Apache Solr, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana.

• Experience of leading teams of sizes varying from 3 to 6 resources with responsibilities of coding, build, delivery and release management.

• Strong hands-on experience in developing web applications using OOPS concepts, design principles, various MVC frameworks.

• Well versed with Agile and Waterfall software development methodologies.

• Ability to work with cross-location customer and dev teams to establish smooth communication and maintain consistent delivery.

• Excellent team player having good analytical, problem solving skills. Willingness to learn and practice new technologies, methodologies.

Skill Set Languages: Java 5/6/8, SQL

Technologies: Spring Boot, Spring (modules: IOC-DI, MVC, ORM,JPA, Data JPA), Hibernate, Struts, JSP, JSF, Apache Wicket, Apache Solr, Elastic search, Logstash, Kibana, Jasper Report Server, Lombok, Liquibase

Database: Oracle 10g, MySQL, MongoDB

Servers: Tomcat

Build tools: Maven

IDEs/Tools: Eclipse, STS, SQL Developer, SoapUI, Postman

Version Control: SVN, Git

Platforms: Windows, Linux