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avatar of Abbas Ali Hashemian

Abbas Ali Hashemian

Abbas Ali Hashemian has asked 0 questions and find answers to 11 problems.


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I learned web development using ebooks and myself as of 2008 when I was 18or19. I couldn't go to university because of our financial problem but I could become employed for the asp.netC# development team of NivData as a junior asp.net developer and senior javascript(and jQuery) developer during 2010-2011. I started web development by js and dhtml and asp3classic vbs. Next I moved on php4.3 and for a long term I was attempting to register an invented(an innovation) js application in my country but... forget it. For 18 months I was in NivData and as of dec2011 I'm a freelance php developer. http://ir.linkedin.com/in/hashemian Interested in emigrating to AU,US,CA or EU (every good opportunity for emigration which requires english or persian language to employ) My Skills are: php5.3 oop, mysqli, F3, netbeans7.x, phpdesigner8 asp.net c# framework 3.5, mssql, .net ajax, msvs2010 jquery(ajax,json,plugins), js, dom, cross-browser compatibility, ajax, firebug,... openssl and https on apache server, superficial knowledge about symmetric and asymmetric algorithms, php some security issues(different injections, protecting sensitive data, ...) asp3 vbs, win7,xp

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