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aaronedmistone has asked 0 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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Contact me on: A-Dawg#3988

I'm not fond of people saying:

This is not possible


It cannot be done

This is usually not true, I prefer, this is not INTENDED to be done with (x technology). I believe there is almost always a way of achieving a goal with code. It just depends how deep you want to go and how much time you are willing to invest in a solution. With complex DNNs and the amount of computing power we have these days, along with the the wealth of resources available on the internet with many industries contributing to the well of information; The possibilities are endless.

Recently I've been doing work involving Reverse Engineering .NET applications, working with ILASM and C# to create frameworks for others to build extensions from. Super fun stuff!

Working with computer vision and artificial neural networks at work, super interesting tech now that we have the hardware to make it affordable and fast!

I'm also working with C++, C and ASM, working on circumventing malware detection and executing code in a stealthy manner. Having a blast with this. So many applications!

I am against malicious code and circumventing paid models, please don't ask for help with this.

Eat, sleep and dream code, have worked with many different technologies and don't want to stop learning any time soon.