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Aaron Wagner

Aaron Wagner has asked 1 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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What makes me tick? My girls. That's why I do what I do. Most people will lie, and say they like solving problems, and making new things. But for me, it's them.

Wait? What? I know; this is my "résumé" site. Is it wise to say stuff like that? It just so happens that I freaking love what I do. Most people don't get the chance to make money doing something that they love. I do. And I think that's pretty damn cool.

Passion I have a passion for the web. I don't see this as a J-O-B. I see this as a career. A calling. People turn to the internet for SO many things, and it's THE platform that has, and will continue to change the world.

A web application, marketing site, blog, whatever it is, should be more than just a pretty face. It should function well. Intuitively. And it should be beautiful.

Sadly, I work in an industry that has lost that passion. "It works, ship it" is something that has been said too many times. I hate it, and it needs to die (along with the "Above the fold" myth).