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useParams in TypeScript does not allow destructuring

I was following this video ("JWTUser Sessions with ReactJS & GraphQL...") when at this time the guy destructures useParams() method from react-router-dom library.

In my case, that didn't work since I am getting this error:

This is the whole code at this point:

import React, { useState, useContext } from 'react';
import { useParams, useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';
import { useConfirmMutation } from '../gql/generated/graphql';
import { AppStateContext } from './provider';

export const Confirm: React.FC = () => {
    const history = useHistory();
    const { appSetAuthToken, appClearAuthToken, gqlError } = useContext(AppStateContext);

    const [show, setShow] = useState(false);
    const [email, setEmail] = useState('');
    const [confirm] = useConfirmMutation();
    const { token } = useParams();

    const handleFormSubmit = async (e: React.FormEvent) => {

        try {
            const { data } = await confirm({ variables: email });
        } catch {


    if (token === undefined || token === '')
        return <div>Enlace de confirmación de usuario inválido</div>;

    return (
            <div>Página de confirmación de usuario</div>
            {show ? <div>{gqlError.msg}</div> : undefined}
                        placeholder='Correo electrónico'
                        onChange={e => { setEmail(e.target.value); }}
                <button type='submit'>Confirmar</button>

I have also tried the same on CodeSandbox but it works. Not sure, where is my mistake. Can you see that mistake?

like image 897
Maramal Avatar asked Oct 24 '20 21:10


People also ask

How do I use useParams in typescript?

In order to useParams you need to implement a generic for useParams. Building on my example above, I need to type the id . type QuizParams = { id: string; }; // In order to implement that, I'd apply my type to the hook when calling it. const { id } = useParams<QuizParams>();

How do I use useParams?

Step 1: Create a React application using the following command. Step 2: After creating your project folder i.e. useparams_react, move to it using the following command. Step 3: After creating the ReactJS application, Install the react-router-dom and react-dom packages using the following command.

1 Answers

useParams is generic. You need to tell typescript which params you are using by specifying the value of the generic like this: useParams<MyParams>(); In your case it is:

const { token } = useParams<{token?: string}>();

Which says that token is either a string or undefined.

like image 65
Linda Paiste Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 04:10

Linda Paiste