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Use Unapply to extract identical type classes

I have the following situation, given two types MA and MB, I would like to be able to prove that they both not only have an Applicative but also that they both have the same underlying shape. I tried doing the following:

type UnapplyM[TC[_[_]], MA, M0[_]] = Unapply[TC, MA]{ type M[X] = M0[X] }

implicit def thing[MA, MB, M[_]](implicit un: UnapplyM[Applicative,MA,M], un2: UnapplyM[Applicative,MB,M]) = ...

but keep running into diverging implicits (i.e. this doesn't work.) Similar things can be done with a type projection on the A type param of Unapply and work.

This there a way to take these two types and be able to prove they are, in fact, supported by the same type class instance?

like image 617
wheaties Avatar asked Mar 07 '16 13:03


1 Answers

I'll start by saying that a complete answer would be a very long story, and I've told a large part of it in a blog post from last summer, so I'm going to skim over some details here and just provide a working implementation of thing for Cats.

One other introductory note: this machinery now exists in Scalaz, and some of the "review" on my pull request adding it there is one of the many reasons I'm glad Cats exists. :)

First for a totally opaque type class that I won't even try to motivate here:

case class SingletonOf[T, U <: { type A; type M[_] }](
  widen: T { type A = U#A; type M[x] = U#M[x] }

object SingletonOf {
  implicit def mkSingletonOf[T <: { type A; type M[_] }](implicit
    t: T
  ): SingletonOf[T, t.type] = SingletonOf(t)

Next we can define an IsoFunctor, since Cats doesn't seem to have one at the moment:

import cats.arrow.NaturalTransformation

trait IsoFunctor[F[_], G[_]] {
  def to: NaturalTransformation[F, G]
  def from: NaturalTransformation[G, F]

object IsoFunctor {
  implicit def isoNaturalRefl[F[_]]: IsoFunctor[F, F] = new IsoFunctor[F, F] {
    def to: NaturalTransformation[F, F] = NaturalTransformation.id[F]
    def from: NaturalTransformation[F, F] = to

We could use something a little simpler than IsoFunctor for what we're about to do, but it's a nice principled type class, and it's what I used in Scalaz, so I'll stick with it here.

Next for an new Unapply that bundles together two Unapply instances:

import cats.Unapply

trait UnapplyProduct[TC[_[_]], MA, MB] {
  type M[X]; type A; type B
  def TC: TC[M]
  type MA_ = MA
  def _1(ma: MA): M[A]
  def _2(mb: MB): M[B]

object UnapplyProduct {
  implicit def unapplyProduct[
    TC[_[_]], MA0, MB0,
    U1 <: { type A; type M[_] },
    U2 <: { type A; type M[_] }
    sU1: SingletonOf[Unapply[TC, MA0], U1],
    sU2: SingletonOf[Unapply[TC, MB0], U2],
    iso: IsoFunctor[U1#M, U2#M]
  ): UnapplyProduct[TC, MA0, MB0] {
    type M[x] = U1#M[x]; type A = U1#A; type B = U2#A
  } = new UnapplyProduct[TC, MA0, MB0] {
    type M[x] = U1#M[x]; type A = U1#A; type B = U2#A
    def TC = sU1.widen.TC
    def _1(ma: MA0): M[A] = sU1.widen.subst(ma)
    def _2(mb: MB0): M[B] = iso.from(sU2.widen.subst(mb))

As a historical side note, UnapplyProduct existed for four years in Scalaz before it had any useful instances.

And now we can write something like this:

import cats.Applicative

def thing[MA, MB](ma: MA, mb: MB)(implicit
  un: UnapplyProduct[Applicative, MA, MB]
): Applicative[un.M] = un.TC

And then:

scala> import cats.data.Xor
import cats.data.Xor

scala> thing(Xor.left[String, Int]("foo"), Xor.right[String, Char]('a'))
res0: cats.Applicative[[x]cats.data.Xor[String,x]] = cats.data.XorInstances$$anon$1@70ed21e4

And we've successfully talked the compiler into identifying how to break down these Xor types in such a way that it can see the relevant Applicative instance (which we return).

like image 80
Travis Brown Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 17:10

Travis Brown