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Use the Get-Help cmdlet to display comment-based help in the same format


I am trying to use the Get-Help cmdlet to display comment-based help in the same format in which it displays the cmdlet help topics that are generated from XML files. The ability to do this is documented in about_Comment_based_Help on TechNet, but when I execute the get-help cmdlet against my script I only get the script name returned. Any help would be appreciated!

PS C:\Admin> Get-Help .\checksystem.ps1 -full

checksystem.ps1 script:

function IsAlive {
        Checks to see whether a computer is pingable or not.

        .PARAMETER computername
        Specifies the computername.

        IsAlive -computername testwks01

        This is just an example function.

            param (
            Test-Connection -count 1 -ComputerName $computername -TimeToLive 5 |
            Where-Object { $_.StatusCode -eq 0 } |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty Address

IsAlive -computername
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Shaun Avatar asked Jan 12 '11 22:01


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The Get-Help cmdlet displays information about Windows PowerShell concepts and commands, including cmdlets, functions, CIM commands, workflows, providers, aliases and scripts. To get help for a Windows PowerShell command, type `Get-Help` followed by the command name, such as: `Get-Help Get-Process`.

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1 Answers

It will work, but you are trying to run get help on the script. You have added the help to the function. If you dot source your script, and then type get-help isalive, you will see your help for the function.

. .\checksystem.ps1 ; get-help isalive -full
like image 113
Andy Schneider Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10

Andy Schneider